Attack on a Pawnee war party of 14 men. All are armed with bows & arrows, except one who has fired a rifle from behind a hill. Their lack of firearms denotes that these cannot have been scouts for General Patrick Connor's Powder River Expedition, so the encounter probably occurred in Nebraska, earlier than 1865.
Joan Saez
9/24/16, 6:34 AM
The outfit of the Pawnee warrior, or the lack of it ( he seems to wear only a belt) strongly reminds me the Pawnee warriors that appear on the Segesser hide painting number II, today in the New Mexico History Museum, which describes the battle between the forces leaded by Don Pedro de Villasur and Pawnee and Oto Indians. Check Thomas E. Chavez (Ed) A Moment in Time. The Odyssey of New Mexico%u2019s Segesser Hide Paintings. Rio Grande Books, 2012, and Hotz, Gottfried: The Segesser Hide Paintings. Masterpieces Depicting Spanish Colonial New Mexico. Museum of New Mexico Press, 1970.