Horizontal WAR: BATTLE, Cheyenne on Black Horse Fights Crow on a Red Horse The Cheyenne man chases the Crow man, with horses rising upward with back feet lower on the page. The Cheyenne man wears a single trail eagle warbonnet. The fourteen immature golden eagle feathers are distinct, and they are attached to red cloth (indicated by a red line), ending with a blue tassel. The Cheyenne man wears a red tunic shirt and blue pants, edged with a white stripe at the bottom, visible on one leg. One dark stroud breechclout flap shows against the horse. The man holds the same gun of Plate 37�dark line for the top and red line to show the bottom, possibly indicating a two-barreled gun. He rides a dark-colored horse with white on the rear and face (blaze). Its tail is tied in red cloth, ready for battle. The Crow man has the distinctive hairstyle of his nation (see Plate 36). He wars red tunic shirt and red pants with blue and white stripe at the bottom edge, like Plate 38. He wears the same black-and-white belt seen on previous Crow enemies in this ledger (Plates 36 and 38). The Crow holds reins in his right hand and a gun in his left. He aims it at the Cheyenne man behind him. No shots are fired in this scene.