Horizontal WAR: BATTLE , Cheyenne Man Counts Coup with Bow on Crow Man This plate resembles Plate 36. The man carries a similar shield. Here the red shield has fifteen immature golden eagle feathers attached along the rim. The small crescent moon is dark (lead pencil), and the moon's tips are likewise turned downward. No other details of the shield appear. The shield covers the man's midsection (his shirt outline is visible through X-ray vision style), and it deflects the enemy arrow aimed at it. The man wears one immature golden eagle feather upright at the back of his head. His one visible braid is wrapped in red stroud cloth, and a red line of facepaint runs vertically along the side of his hairline. He holds reins with one hand and a bow, held ready to hit the Crow man and count coup. The horse is a pinto, white with dark markings. The stallion has red cloth tied around its tail. Hoof prints show the extended duration of the struggle, apparently in one place. The Crow man wears the distinctive hear style of his nation (see plate 36), with red paint on his forehead. He also has one eagle feather fastened to the back of his head. He wears a short blue shirt, red leggings with blue and white stripes at the cuffs, and the same belt as Plate 36�decorated with a black-and-white box motif. He holds a bow with a second arrow nocked and aimed at the Cheyenne man.