Horizontal and vertical HUNTING SCENE: A Diptych of a Man on Foot Shooting Two Eagles with a Gun. Because of the resemblance of these birds to eagles in this ledger, they probably also are eagles. The eagles are vertical on the page. The eagle on the left has white head and tail feathers, characteristic of mature bald eagles (Lanford: 2003, 153, fig. 8). It is outlined in lead pencil and shaded heavily in pencil to create a dark fill. The beak is curved. The bird on the right is blue with dark head and sharp, curved beak. The head is shaded dark with lead pencil, as well as some markings on its breast. Its talons and ledges are distinct. The hunter is horizontal on the page. His bullet travels into the body and comes out the other side. Blood (red crayon) shows the entry and exit points of the bullet. The hunter is similar to others in this ledger, probably Wild Hog himself. The elongated style is used again to depict the man�s figure, but it is not bent. Long, dark hair, tied with otter ties, falls behind him as he moves toward the birds. He has a red shirt and dark-colored (lead pencil shaded) breech cloth�waist and flaps are visible. His legs are bare and feet outlined. Both arms hold a carbine. The gun appears to have two triggers (double barreled; see Arrow�s Elk Society Ledger, Cowdrey, 1999: 157-8 for more discussion). Smoke from the discharge is visible at the tip of the gun in this successful hunt.