Horizontal HUNTING SCENE: Man on Foot Shoots Mountain Lion with Bow and Arrow The elongated style of Plates 13, 17, and 18 is visible here. The hunter and mountain lion are drawn with dark outlines over the previous drawing. The man's head, arms, inner legs, and feet are outlined in lead pencil; the torso and outer legs are outlined in blue. The man's hair falls behind him, perhaps indicating his speed as he runs toward the mountain lion. Lines drawn downward from the hair might be hair ties. The man nocks an arrow in the bow with both hands. His breechclout flaps and belt are dark (lead pencil), made of saved-list trade cloth with undyed selvedge ends to create a terminal stripe. The blue fill for the shirt is solid above the waist, and below it is cross-hatched. The blue lines along the legs may represent blue pants. The mountain lion faces away from the man. It is an adult with even, darkly shaded fur, not spotted juvenile coloring. Its long tail is a distinctive feature of the mountain lion. Other details are barely visible ears, eye, and snout. An arrow penetrates the neck, with the point sticking through. Blood spurts from the wound. Two other arrows have flown harmlessly by the feline. Mike Cowdrey describes the desirability of cougar skins for �constructing bowcase-quiver sets (1999: 53, Plate 21 for an illustration; 167 for discussion).