Drawn upside down in ledger. p. 8 Blank p. 9 COURTING. Couple in Blanket Decorated with Alternating Rows of Red and Black Dashes This image is arranged horizontally across the ledger page, so it needs to be rotated 90 degrees. A man and woman stand wrapped in a courtship blanket decorated with vertical dashes, similar to designs on the tipis of plates 3 and 4. The man is to the right of the woman. The left half of his face is painted blue, and necklaces are indicated around his neck. His red leggings and breech clout extend below the blanket. The woman�s face is entirely painted red. She has three strands of a necklace showing. Her leggings are shaded dark with the lead pencil. Media: Pencil outlines; blue and red crayon and lead pencil details and fill.