drawn upside down in ledger.p. 10 COURTING. Couple in Blanket Decorated with Alternating Rows of Red and Blue Dashes This image is arranged horizontally across the ledger page, so it needs to be rotated 90 degrees. It is similar to the image on p. 9. Here the couple stands within a single courting blanket, which is decorated with vertical blue and red dashes, similar to the dashes of plates 3 and 4. The man has braids showing below the blanket, and he wears red facepaint. The facepaint design is one horizontal strip across the lower jaw and two vertical stripes upward. He wears red leggings. The woman has a red-painted face, and her leggings are blue. Media: Media: Pencil outlines, red crayon, blue craon, and lead pencil details and fill. p. 11 CAMP. Three Solid-Color Tipis, Red, Blue, and Black These tipis resemble those of plate 4. Three tipis stand in a row, overlapping and filling the page. The page is small, 3 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches, so this overlapping and X-ray vision through the front object to the one behind makes it possible to use all the space. Lead pencil outlines the tipis. The smoke hole flaps are all open. On the left tipi, six poles are visible at the smoke hole, and seven are visible on two others. Each tipi has a line bisecting it vertically down the middle. The left-hand tipi is filled with orange coloring (colored pencil). The middle tipi is blue, and the right-hand tipi is black (lead pencil). Media: Lead pencil outlines with fill of lead, orange, and blue pencil.