Vertical COURTING: Red Tipi and Man and Woman Covered in Black Blanket The orange tipi is outlined in pencil and filled with red crayon. One blue line of dashes bisects the tipi vertically. The smokehole flap is open, and six tent poles are at the top. The couple sits next to the tipi on the ground. Both have red facepaint. The man's long hair is enlarged with wrapping. The man's face is painted vertically, along the hairline. He has a German silver hairplate ornament that reaches to the ground, with two red streamers at the end. The man holds the woman under the blanket with him (see Plate 9). The blanket is the dark �skunk� style blanket seen often in this ledger. His orange breechcloth flap is visible below the hem of the blanket, as well as a dark legging with one vertical stripe for the undyed selvedge seam. The woman has three horizontal red stripes across her face. The woman�s leg shows from under the hem of the blanket, blue legging with two stripes (�trails�) around the angle.