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COURTING: Man in Red Blanket Holds Woman in Red-Dotted Blanket

Ethnographic Notes

Vertical COURTING: Man in Red Blanket Holds Woman in Red-Dotted Blanket Both the man and woman have blue coloring along their heads and braids. The man wears an orange (crayon) skunk-style stroud blanket, with white stripe down the back and lower hem (see Plate 9 for discussion of blanket and courtship). His dark leggings are stroud cloth, with the vertical stripe of undyed selvedge edges at the seam. Two breechclout flaps that show below his feet in the drawling are light blue with undyed terminal edges, the same lighter blue of the head outlines and braids. The woman is held closely within his blanket, and she appears to be much smaller, with her legs not visible. The outline of her blanket that is within his is seen through the red coloring of his blanket. Her blanket is decorated with red dots (watercolor).

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Provenance: Drawn in 1879 by Northern Cheyenne leader Wild Hog (incorrectly denoted as "Hagetta" in the text) ...

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Document Info
Plate No: 48
Page No: 52
Media: Lead pencil outlines, detail, fill; orange and blue crayon; red water color
Dimensions: 13x9 cm, single column
The Sch�yen Collection. London and Oslo.
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