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COURTING: Formally Dressed Man and Woman Ride a Pinto Stallion

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Horizontal COURTING: Man and Woman Ride a Pinto Stallion The large pinto stallion fills the page, with the rear legs raised off the page, so the horse is slightly diagonal and angled downward. The woman wears a striped Navajo chief;s blanket, 3rd phase. Her braid falls down her shoulder. The man holds the reins with his right hand. He has one brad showing, wrapped in red cloth. He wears a hairpipe breastplate. He has German silver armband cuffing his dark (lead pencil fill) cloth shirt sleeve. A dark blanket is wrapped around their lower bodies. The pinto horse has distinctive markings in lead pencil. Details include his pricked ears, a feather attached to the center of his head, German silver headstall, hooves, genitalia, and tail. The couple is dressed formally, and the horse also wears ornament.

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Provenance: Drawn in 1879 by Northern Cheyenne leader Wild Hog (incorrectly denoted as "Hagetta" in the text) ...

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Document Info
Plate No: 12
Page No: 10
Media: Lead pencil outlines, details, fill; red crayon
Dimensions: 13x9 cm, single column
The Sch�yen Collection. London and Oslo.
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