Horizontal and Vertical Plate 15 HUNTING SCENE Diptych of a Man on Foot Shooting Two Eagles with Bow and Arrow. The birds (vertical) are a blue bird with barred tail and a golden eagle. The man (horizontal) resembles the hunter of Plate 14. He is on foot with blue shirt and red breechclout. He stands as he shoots an arrow from his small bow. The arrow has feather, shaft, and pointed arrowhead, probably metal. An arrow hits the lower body of the plump blue bird. Red coloring (crayon) shows blood at the wound site, indicating a mortal wound. The bird has a hooked beak of a raptor. The body is blue, and wings are drawn like those of the eagles in Plate 14. The tailfeathers are barred, and the legs are dark (lead-pencil shading). A silhouette of a bird;s head and beak overlay the drawing, as though it were a false start. The bird to the left is larger and colored entirely with dark (lead pencil) shading, except for the sharp, curved beak and uncolored section above the talons. The darker bird is much larger, not quite twice as large, as the blue-colored bird. It might be the female of the pair, as eagle females are larger than males.