pp. 40-41 HUNTING SCENE. Diptych, Man on Foot Hunts Two Turkeys in Branched Tree p. 40 Two long-necked game animals are most likely turkeys. They are horizontal to and on each side of a single branch. Needles or other narrow leaves attach along the length, like fir or spruce. The style of foliage resembles Plates 16 and 17. The turkeys are so large that they fill the page, almost mirror images of each other. The birds and foliage are all lead pencil outlines, with the birds� bodies, legs, and legs filled with lead pencil (dark coloring). The turkey on the right bleeds one red line, to indicate a mortal wound. Media: Lead pencil outline, details, and fill; red crayon p. 41 HUNTING SCENE, Man on Foot The hunter, on foot, is a man with loose hair, no ornaments, and the hatch-marked cloth shirt of Plates 14 and 15. His entire face is painted red. He aims a rifle with no visible stock, possibly a carbine, at the turkeys on the opposite page. His breech clout is dark with undyed edges, and his trousers appear to be dark cloth. His feet are abbreviated and hoof-like (see discussion on Plate 16). His figure leans from left to right, as though running. Media: Lead pencil outline, detail, and fill; red crayon