See notes to Plate 20. p. 38 GROUP, Three Men Ride a Blue Horse This image is almost identical to page 36. Three men in red crosshatched shirts ride a blue horse. Two blankets are visible: blue trade cloth with undyed selvedge edges, for the first (farthest left) two men, and red blanket with undyed selvedge edges for the last men mounted on the horse. The man closest to the rear does not have a quirt. This drawing has three instead of four men. All other details are identical. Media: Lead pencil outline and details; red and blue crayon detail and fill p. 39 GROUP, Four Men Ride a Gray Horse, One Wearing German Silver Hairplate Ornament This image is almost identical to page 36. Four men in blue crosshatched shirts ride a black or gray (lead pencil) horse. The horse's head is uncolored, so it appears white or blaze. Two blankets are visible: gray trade cloth with undyed selvedge edges, for the first two men (farthest left), and blue with undyed selvedge edges for the last (farthest right) two men mounted on the horse. The man closest to the horse�s rear holds a quirt. This man also wears a German silver hairplate ornament attached to his head, similar to the one seen in Plate 25, but not visible beyond his arm. All other details are identical. Media: Lead pencil outline and details; red and blue crayon detail and fill