Horizontal and vertical HUNTING SCENE: A Diptych of Two Men on Foot Shooting Two Game Birds This scene resembles Plate 21. The two men, oriented along the horizontal axis, hunt birds. The man on the right has a red shirt, loose, dark (lead pencil) hair, and dark trade cloth breechclout. He holds a large bird in his right hand, and his left hand is outstretched. The other man has the otter ties in his hair like the red-shirted man of Plate 21. His solid-blue shirt is over dark leggings and breech clout. A red flap is visible in front, not matching the dark flap in the back. The man nocks an arrow in his bow. He raises his front leg, as though approaching the roosted birds. The three birds, vertical on the page, perch in a tree�fir or spruce if conifer, because each needle attaches to the twig, rather than in clusters like pine trees. An arrow penetrates the breast of the top bird, and blood shows at the entry. The birds are outlined in lead pencil and filled with heavy shading. Their wings and beaks are distinctive, as well as wedge-shaped, solid tails. Their claws are all detailed.