Wild Hog Ledger-Kansas State Historical Society

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GROUP, WOMEN: Four Women in Black-Red-White Blankets and Red Fringed Leggings; Blank Page

Ethnographic Notes

Right: Blank Left: WOMEN. Four women stand in a row. They are dressed identically: black-and-white stripes with red markings in the white stripes--red scallops and short vertical lines. The second to bottom row has black scallops. They have half their faces, right, painted vertically with red. Their legs are unpainted, with four lines around each ankle (penciled). Their legging tops turned down and fringed for additional ornamentation; these show under their blankets (see Petersen, 1983: 287). White selvedge edges of the leggings. show. The formality of dress and the consistency of dress are distinctive. However, there is no indication of a dance, as in some other images in this and related ledgers. Media: Figures are outlined in lead pencil with black ink and red watercolor details.

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The cover inscription reads: "Pictures drawn by Wild Hog and other northern Cheyenne Indian Chiefs while in th...

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Document Info
Plate No: 25
Page No: 46-47
Media: Lead pencil, water color, ink
Dimensions: 3.25 x 5 in (8.5 x 12.75 cm)
Kansas Historical Society/kansasmemory.org
Wild Hog
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