Donald Ellis Gallery Ltd, New York; Family of Colonel William T. Weisinger II by descent; Collected by Ezra Philetus Ewers, Captain 5th Infantry, probably from Cheyenne while he was stationed at Fort Keogh, MT between December, 1877 and 1884, when he resigned as Commander of Fort Keogh and temporarily moved to Boston. Captain Ewers and the 5th Infantry were transferred to Texas in 1888 where he served as Commander of Fort Bliss. According to Roger Cantrell, Captain Ewers gave the ledger book to Colonel William T. Weisinger II at Fort Huachuca, AZ before WW I, and perhaps as early as 1890. In 1890, Ewers was recalled from Texas to South Dakota to work with his Northern Cheyenne contacts against the spread of the Ghost Dance. Colonel Weisinger II left the ledger book to his son, Colonel Weisinger III. The last owner, Roger Cantrell, is the son-in-law of Col. William T. Weisinger III. In 1978, the ledger book was thrown into the trash from which Mr. Cantrell retrieved it. Mr. Cantrell last spoke to his father-in-law in 1998 to confirm what the family remembered about the ledger book. Col. Weisinger was 82 at that time.