Rodolphe Petter Cheyenne Ledger Provenance

Untitled [horse and rider at canyon]

Collected by Rodolphe Petter, a General Conference Mennonite missionary to the Cheyenne in Oklahoma (1891-1916). The drawings were done on the Cheyenne Reservation in Indian Territory during the 1890s. They are part of the Rodolphe Petter Papers at the Mennonite Library and Archives, Bethel College Library, North Newton, Kansas (MLA MS 31, folder 119 Old Indian Drawings).

Document Info
Media: pencil, pen and black ink
Dimensions: 10 x 8” (25 x 20 cm)
Total Plates: 71
Total Pages: 71
Menonite Library and Archives, Bethel College Library, North Newton, Kansas
Image Source