Howling Wolf Sketchbook - Autry Provenance

Minimic - Howling Wolf's Father | Hohanonvah - Howling Wolf's Mother

Eva Scott Fenyes was born on November 9, 1849, the daughter of wealthy New York publisher Leonard Scott and his wife, Rebecca Briggs Scott. Eva was educated at Pelham Priory in Pelham Manor, New York, and then studied art in New York, Europe, and Egypt. In 1877 she also spent time in Fort Marion, Florida, where she asked Henry Pratt to have the artists Howling Wolf (Cheyenne) and Zo Tom (Kiowa) create ledger books for her.

Gift of Leonora Curtin Paloheimo in memory of Eva Scott Fenyes

Credit line: With permission from the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes. Courtesy of the Autry Museum of the American West; 4100.G.2

Howling Wolf | Ho-na-nist-to (Cheyenne | Tsis tsis'tas)
Document Info
Media: pencil, crayon, and ink on paper
Dimensions: 5.83 in x 8.94 in
Total Plates: 35
Total Pages: 33
Braun Research Library Collection, Autry Museum of the American West
Image Source
With permission from the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes. Courtesy of the Autry Museum of the American West; 4100.G.2