Walter Bone Shirt Ledger - UC San Diego Library Provenance

Front Cover

Ledger inscribed by "M.E. Meade", believed to have been Mary Eliza Mead, whose husband operated a trading post on the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota during the 1880s and early 1890s. Marcy Burns, American Indian Art, Glendate, PA Gallery West, Tucson, AZ Gary Henderschott Collection Bradley Foundation, purchased September 29, 2006, Heritage Galleries Auction, New York

Walter Bone Shirt or
Document Info
Media: pencil and colored pencil
Dimensions: 7.875 * 5 inches
Total Plates: 30
Total Pages: 30
Plains Ledger Art Digital Publishing Project (PILA), Mandeville Special Collections, UCSD Libraries, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Image Source
Plains Ledger Art Digital Publishing Project (PILA), Mandeville Special Collections, UCSD Libraries, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA